Louisiana & Florida

9/30/22 We decided to set out on an adventure to the biggest city in Louisiana. New Orleans, and subsequently to Santa Rosa, Florida. We arrived there more or less after 7 hours. I got used to these long distances, after all I have been here for some time already and me and my host family have been on many trips (you can read about them in my earlier posts). We stayed at a beautiful hotel and the next day we went to a World War II. museum. It was very interesting to see the WWII. from a different perspective. I noticed many times that the Czech Republic was mentioned there. I even saw a map with my home city on it :). It was very patriotic and at the end there was a short 4D movie that was dubbed by Tom Hanks. It was very moving. I must say that I enjoyed this exposition a lot. After the museum we decided to walk through the beautiful streets of New Orleans. I saw the famous Bourbon street that is the heart of the city after the Sun sets. New Orleans is famous for its bizarre cuisine. ...