The Beginning

9/16/21 On this date me and my parents decided that I will participate in Rotary youth exchange. We sent the preregistration and waited until later instructions. Fast forward a few months and now it's January. At this time we've already done a lot of work that Rotary required us to do and now the most excruciating thing [looking back] awaited. Online meetings. That may not sound so bad, however each one of these 3 meetings were longer than 4 hours. If you imagine sitting at a computer with camera turned on having to look like you're not about to fall asleep from how many things they went through, it really isn't attractive. We pushed through these tiring meetings and made it to another part. The amount of places in my preferred states - USA, Canada, was getting smaller and smaller due to Covid-19 and war in Ukraine. Nevertheless, we did everything we could to have the best chance of making the exchange happen. Now we're somewhere in April. The date of the last meet...